12 year prayer saint bridget

What is 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

The 12 year prayer Saint Bridget is a devotion that involves the recitation of prayers and meditation for 12 years. It is named after Saint Bridget of Sweden, who was a mystic and visionary who lived in the 14th century. The prayer is said to have been revealed to her by Jesus Christ himself.
The prayer consists of 15 prayers that are recited daily for a period of 12 years. The prayers are said to be powerful and effective in obtaining graces and blessings from God. The prayer is also said to be a powerful weapon against the devil and his temptations.

How to Pray the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

To pray the 12 year prayer Saint Bridget, one must recite the 15 prayers daily for a period of 12 years. The prayers can be recited at any time of the day, but it is recommended to recite them at the same time every day.
The prayers are as follows:
1. O Jesus, You Who Said, "Ask And You Shall Receive, Seek And You Shall Find, Knock And It Shall Be Open To You," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Knock, I Seek, I Ask That My Prayer Be Granted.
2. O Jesus, You Who Said, "All That You Ask Of The Father In My Name He Will Grant You," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Humbly And Urgently Ask Your Father In Your Name That My Prayer Be Granted.
3. O Jesus, You Who Said, "Heaven And Earth Shall Pass Away But My Word Shall Not Pass Away," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Feel Confident That My Prayer Will Be Granted.
4. O Jesus, You Who Said, "Whatever You Ask Of The Father In My Name He Will Grant You," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Beg Of Your Father In Your Name That My Prayer Be Granted.
5. O Jesus, You Who Said, "I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Pray That I May Know The Truth And That The Truth May Set Me Free.
6. O Jesus, You Who Said, "If You Abide In My Word, You Are Truly My Disciples, And You Will Know The Truth And The Truth Will Set You Free," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Pray That I May Abide In Your Word And That Your Word May Abide In Me.
7. O Jesus, You Who Said, "If You Ask Anything Of The Father In My Name, He Will Give It To You," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Ask That My Prayer Be Granted.
8. O Jesus, You Who Said, "My Peace I Give To You, My Peace I Leave With You," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Pray For Your Peace In My Heart And In The World.
9. O Jesus, You Who Said, "If You Love Me, You Will Keep My Commandments," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Pray That I May Love You And Keep Your Commandments.
10. O Jesus, You Who Said, "Whoever Believes In Me, Rivers Of Living Water Will Flow From His Heart," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Pray That Rivers Of Living Water May Flow From My Heart.
11. O Jesus, You Who Said, "If You Abide In Me And My Words Abide In You, Ask Whatever You Will And It Shall Be Done For You," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Pray That I May Abide In You And That Your Words May Abide In Me.
12. O Jesus, You Who Said, "If You Keep My Commandments, You Will Abide In My Love, Just As I Have Kept My Father's Commandments And Abide In His Love," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Pray That I May Keep Your Commandments And Abide In Your Love.
13. O Jesus, You Who Said, "You Did Not Choose Me, But I Chose You And Appointed You To Go And Bear Fruit, Fruit That Will Last," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Pray That I May Bear Fruit That Will Last.
14. O Jesus, You Who Said, "Whatever You Ask The Father In My Name, He Will Give You," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Ask That My Prayer Be Granted.
15. O Jesus, You Who Said, "I Will Do Whatever You Ask In My Name, So That The Father May Be Glorified In The Son," Through The Intercession Of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I Pray That My Prayer May Be Answered And That The Father May Be Glorified In The Son.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of praying the 12 year prayer Saint Bridget?

Praying the 12 year prayer Saint Bridget is said to have many benefits, including obtaining graces and blessings from God, protection against the devil and his temptations, and spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Can the 12 year prayer Saint Bridget be shortened?

The 12 year prayer Saint Bridget is meant to be recited daily for a period of 12 years. Shortening the prayer may not have the same efficacy and power as the full prayer.


The 12 year prayer Saint Bridget is a powerful devotion that can bring many blessings and graces to those who recite it. Through the intercession of Saint Bridget of Sweden and Jesus Christ, we can obtain spiritual growth, enlightenment, and protection against the devil and his temptations. May we all have the faith and perseverance to complete the 12 year prayer and receive the blessings promised to us.